Stunning Home Refurbishment in Reading

House Refurbishments in Reading

At Hurst Development Solutions, we offer a high quality home refurbishment service in Reading, which aims to transform the way you live in your home. Our Home refurbishment service provides you with the ability to transform your house into the dream home you have always sought after. With our expert home refurbishment team, we are able to say that we offer the most skilled and efficient home refurbishment service throughout Reading. You deserve the best possible service you can get, which is why we are the service for you.

hone refurbishment reading


Our home refurbishment Reading service is suitable for any type of property you may own.If you’re after a property alteration, there is no job too big or too small for Hurst Development solutions. With our great reviews and feedback, we can confidently say that we always go above and beyond the job that is expected of us. As a high quality and premium company, we believe that having a great reputation for top quality home refurbishments is important. This allows us to demonstrate that our work is of a high calibre.


Kitchen Refurbishment Reading

Our Kitchen Refurbishment Reading service allows you to have your kitchen transformed into a room you’re proud to show off to your friends and family. Our team have a high level of experience with transforming kitchens, so we are sure we will be able to give you the home refurbishment kitchen renovation you’ve always wanted. We understand that the kitchen is the most important room of the house, so it’s highly recommended that you have it looking as best as it possibly can be. Contact us for your kitchen refurbishment service on  01189 000 840.


Bathroom Refurbishment Reading

Our home refurbishments also includes a bathroom renovation Reading service which restores your bathroom to a condition that you’d be proud to show off. Whether you’re just after a replacement bathtub, a change in tiles, or a complete rework, we are the company that will help you to the fullest. Our Bathroom refurbishments are matched by no one. We’ve got a strong client base that have yet to be let down by the work we have done for them.


Why should I get a Property refurbishment?

Property refurbishments have to ability to transform your home, and increase the overall value of the building. In this day and age, house prices are on a constant rise, so it’s important to make sure that as a homeowner, you are on the right side of this growth. Restore your property in Reading to its maximum potential so that if you do decide to sell your property, you’re getting the best possible deal for yourself. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference repairing some walls and some doors will do for your home.


Home Refurbishment cost Reading

To get top quality home refurbishment, it is important to find a company that aims to give you a service equal to or above and beyond what you pay for. The cost of a home refurbishment in Reading can range between £300 – £2,000 for a small job, depending on how much work is required. For a full scale job, it’s very difficult to give an estimate price, as all properties are different, which is why we recommend you contact us. We can give you a free home renovation Reading cost quote to give you the most accurate price range. Call us on 01189 000 840 to book yours today.